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Calendar Event Information for Robert Krulwich Talk: Saddam Hussein's Secret Octopus and other Tales of Science."

Robert Krulwich Talk: Saddam Hussein's Secret Octopus and other Tales of Science."
When: May 10, 2014
Where:Lillie Auditorium, 7 MBL Street, Woods Hole, MA
Time:7:30 PM
Contact Name:Samantha Broun Phone:508-548-5527
    Atlantic Public Media is bringing the NPR Science Correspondent and co-host of public radio's Radiolab to Cape Cod for a talk he calls, Saddam Hussein's Secret Octopus and other Tales of Science." The event will be held at 7:30 pm on Saturday, May 10th at MBLs Lillie Auditorium, 7 MBL Street, in Woods Hole, Massachusetts.

Krulwich is the co-host and co-creator (with Jad Abumrad) of the cult-sensation Radiolab, the inventive public radio program about big ideas in science. His NPR blog, "Krulwich Wonders" features drawings, cartoons and videos that illustrate hard-to-see concepts in science.

Of his talk, Krulwich says, There are ways, lots of ways, to take complex science stories, dense with detail and nuance, and talk about them to a lay audience. Not dumbing them down, not ignoring the hard parts, but inventing ways to make them understandable. I'll describe techniques I've used on Radiolab, on TV and on the web, sharing the ones I'm proudest of, and some of my biggest, most embarrassing bloopers. Come hear about Hussein's octopus, dating squid, and the day a B-flat got away and hid out on a stairwell in Woods Hole.

APMs Executive Director, Jay Allison, says, I don't know anyone more curious and just plain fun than Robert Krulwich. I guarantee that if you come hear him talk, you'll leave the auditorium more curious and ready for fun yourself."

Krulwich earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in history from Oberlin College and a law degree from Columbia University and has been awarded numerous Emmys, as well as the DuPont and George Polk Award, among others.

This event is a benefit for Atlantic Public Media, Inc. and its Peabody Award-winning website, a showcase and workshop for new public media. In addition to founding our local NPR station, WCAI, APM produces The Moth Radio Hour (also a Peabody winner) and created the popular NPR series, This I Believe, and many other national projects, including the Transom Story Workshop, an eight-week training for beginning radio producers, in Woods Hole.

Tickets for the event are available in advance at Eight Cousins Bookstore, in Falmouth. Call for availability: 508-548-5548

$30 cash (additional surcharge applied for credit card sales, in advance only) from Eight Cousins Bookstore. $30 at the door: cash only. For more information, visit:

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