    Wildlife on Tap Lecture Series: State of Massachusetts Birds 2017
Presented By: Joan Walsh, Mass Audubon's Bertrand Chair of Natural History and Field Ornithology
Have you noticed changes in your backyard? Or at your favorite birding spot? The birdlife of Massachusetts has changed over the last 20 years and will continue to change in the future. Some species are thriving and others are in trouble. Climate change is affecting different birds in different ways.
Mass Audubons new report, State of the Birds 2017: Massachusetts Birds and Our Changing Climate, focuses on how climate change is affecting many of our common birds and attempts to catch a glimpse of a possible future for them in 2050.
In this talk, Joan Walsh, Mass Audubons new Bertrand Chair of Natural History and Field Ornithology, will discuss our local species, their current status, the factors that are affecting changes in their populations, and how we can help them and ourselves.
Come with questions about your favorite birds for the Q&A session after.